Zombicide: Climbers & Terrorcota

The four Divine Beasts each represents a differentseason, color, direction, and virtue. With the zombieplague, even these creatures are getting infected. Now,they are trying to cleanse themselves... by fighting theSurvivors!The...

1-6 Jugadores
14+ Edad
60 min Duración
  • Zombicide: Climbers & Terrorcota
  • Zombicide: Climbers & Terrorcota
  • Zombicide: Climbers & Terrorcota
  • Zombicide: Climbers & Terrorcota
The four Divine Beasts each represents a differentseason, color, direction, and virtue. With the zombieplague, even these creatures are getting…

Detalles del juego

The four Divine Beasts each represents a differentseason, color, direction, and virtue. With the zombieplague, even these creatures are getting infected. Now,they are trying to cleanse themselves... by fighting theSurvivors!The Divine Beasts Abomination PackgivesZombicidefantasy players a quartet of new terrors to haunt theirgames. Each Divine Beast has its own set of ActivationCards, making every activation with them unique andproviding a new challenge for players. They even have aneffect on other zombies on the table. But with great riskscomes great rewards if the players can defeat a Beast.

4 Highly-Detailed Minatures; 21 Mini Cards; 1 Rules Leaflet